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Landline Military Meaning - Landline phones are phones used for military communications. They can be powered from their own batteries, from a cable switch (via a battery ctral, also known as a CB) or from an external power source. Some don't need a battery or a ringer.

Telephones replaced flag signs and the telephone as the preferred means of communication. The first landline telephones contained a battery to carry the voice, a hand-held transmitter to signal another landline or hand-held telephone switcher, and an electronic signal that sounded when received from a remote receiver. This technology was used from 1910 to 1980. Later the call signal was controlled by a push button or similar to home telephones. Manual systems are still widely used and are often preferred over older devices.

Landline Military Meaning

Landline Military Meaning

Soon there was an attempt to use the telephone to adapt the technology to military purposes. In the late 1870s and early 1880s, telephones were used to support military campaigns in British India and the British colonies in Africa. In the United States, telegraphs connected forts and army headquarters. It was also used for fire control at Coast Guard facilities. The first telephone was built for field use in the United States in 1889, but was too large for mass production. Further developments in many countries improved the telecommunications experience. The wire material was changed from steel to copper, the equipment for laying the wire in the field was developed, and the systems were developed with both battery packs for command posts and devices for use in the field. The first telegraphs were built by Europeans during the Second Boer War.

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These were mostly used in the Russo-Japanese war, where all infantry organizations and artillery divisions of both sides were provided with telephone sets.

Telephone calls are made over telephone lines, sometimes in open public places, but often using a wire tapped in wartime conditions.

At least until World War II, telephone communication was the preferred method for the US military, requiring only the use of the radio, for example. talk to mobile units until called. Field calls can be made point-to-point or through a switch at a command post.

Different types of phones are used, from the simple "assault phone", e.g. W-130 -8.5 kilometers per kilometer (30 pounds per mile) - with a distance of 8.0 kilometers (5 miles), with a heavy cable and multiple pairs. Wire-pulling equipment ranges from backpack-mounted rails to trucks equipped with plows for burying lines.

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According to the files of the National Army Crimes Task Force, during interrogations in Vietnam, a telephone receiver was sometimes used to torture POWs with electric shocks. A century ago, a three-minute phone call from New York to San Francisco cost $500. Today, you can make another call to a landline for pennies (or free).

When I lecture my business students at Boston University on this topic, I use one of the most revolutionary things in the world to illustrate my point: the telephone.

Before the invention of the telephone, it was not possible to communicate over any distance by voice. The landline in 1876 and the telephone a few decades earlier revolutionized communications, leading to the powerful computers we carry in our pockets and purses today. And in the process, living standards have exploded, with inflation-adjusted GDP rising from $1,200 per person in 1870 to more than $10,000 today.

Landline Military Meaning

Below are some facts that I would like to share with my students as well as others that you may not know about how the telephone has changed our lives.

Rise And Fall Of The Landline: 143 Years Of Telephones Becoming More Accessible

One of the reasons I use the telephone in my talk is that the inventor Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone and his first telephone while he was a professor at Boston University, where I teach economics.

Alexander Graham Bell opened the first long-distance line from New York to Chicago in 1892. The Gilbert H. Collection. Grosvenor/Library of Congress

The first telegraph appeared on March 10, 1876, a few days after the Scottish-born inventor received his patent. After accidentally releasing battery acid, Bell calls out to his assistant with the famous "Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you!"

But this is not the end of the story. The debate over who invented the first telephone continues. Although Belle won a number of court battles for the first patent, some authors still credit Elisha Gray or Antonio Meucci, who both did similar work.

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In fact, in 2002, the US Congress recognized Meucci's work in the manufacture of telephones, although he was not awarded the award alone.

In 1914, at the beginning of the First World War, in the United States there were 10 people from each telephone service. At the end of the Second World War in 1945, and employees for all working telephones.

Technology passed a milestone in 1998 when every man, woman and child in the US owned a phone.

Landline Military Meaning

In 2017, there were 455 million phone numbers for the 325 million residents of the United States, or 1.4 per person. About three-quarters of these numbers were to mobile phones, more than 10 percent to traditional home phones, and the rest to Internet calls.

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It may seem strange today, but by the early 1980s, many consumers were leasing their phones from AT&T.

Until then, the company controlled most of America's telephone system. And in many states, AT&T only leases phones to customers. In the early 1980s, the rental cost ranged from $1.50 to $5 per month, depending on the type of phone.

That changed in 1983, when the US government deregulated AT&T. Customers from all parts of the country will have the opportunity to buy their own phones. At the time, a black flip phone cost $19.95, or more than $50 in today's dollars.

A complete Trimline push-button telephone, instead of a convertible that sells for $55, is just under $150 today.

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One of the reasons why phones are so important for communication is that the cost of the phone continues.

A century ago, beach phones were expensive. In 1915, a three-minute call from New York to San Francisco cost $20.70 plus inflation, meaning an emergency call would cost more than $500 in today's money.

Half a century later, prices have come down considerably, although they are still high. In 1968, that three-minute call cost $1.70, or $12 today. So when I met the woman who became my wife, we first talked at night, when there were fewer phone calls, to save some money.

Landline Military Meaning

Today, almost no one thinks about the cost of an international call, or tries to keep the conversation to save money. The price of telephones fell after the collapse of the US telecommunications monopoly in the 1980s. The development of technologies such as "voice over IP", popularized by Skype, drove down wages.

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The costs are so low that the Communications Commission stopped tracking the cost of long-distance calls in 2006. After decades of record long-distance phone costs, in 2006 it averaged 6 cents per minute. Since most people today don't pay for a few minutes to talk on the phone, they can be pretty much free.

But cheap phones have a dark side.. Robocalls are now blowing up Americans. The drop in price allows scammers to call millions of phone numbers to make their story believable.

It gets even better when you look at the types of phones that households still use. A lot has changed in our lives in the last few years from mobile phones to mobile phones and sudden connectivity.

In 2018, a government survey found that about 55 percent of households use only a cell phone, up from less than 10 percent of households in 2005. Another 36 percent have a mobile phone and a work phone. More than 5 percent of respondents said they rely entirely on a home phone, compared to more than a third of households in 2005. The remaining 3 percent said they had no phone.

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Since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conducted the study, less is known about this 5 percent. As you can imagine, they are elderly and they have their own homes. In contrast, households with only mobile phones tend to have younger retirees. They are also poor and live in the East.

As for health, the CDC reports that adults in wireless homes are healthier and more physically active than those with only landlines. Additionally, a current smoker may have had more "heavy drinking days" in the past year.

Phones have changed our lives. The next time you pick up your phone, take a minute to think about what your life and world are all about.

Landline Military Meaning

Landline Military Slang - Has the support of the audience. If you purchase through our links, we may receive an affiliate commission. Learn more

If you've heard the word "POG" in the military and don't know what it means, learn what a military POG is in this article. "POG" stands for Non-Grunt and is a derogatory term in the military.

Landline Military Slang

Landline Military Slang

But more than that. So, read on to find out what "POG" means in a military context. Read on!

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It comes from the Gaelic word "pogue" which means "to kiss". The story behind this dates back to the American Civil War, when non-service members were called "pods" because servicemen stayed home and got all the lady love.

The military now uses its shortened version - POG - to refer to anyone not physically involved in combat. That's why the "pigs" in "POG" refer to the infantry fighting on the battlefield.

During the Vietnam era, "POG" had a negative connotation. Hence, it was used to insult and mock non-combatant personnel. It is in this sense that it has since been considered a pejorative term.

Typically, POGs are food, ammo, chow, intelligence, transport, etc. are support units that provide. They are needed to fight good ground battles.

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Therefore, military personnel know that all personnel, including POGs, are important. If you realize that you are a "POG" now, you sure have nothing to be ashamed of. You make a difference!

Being a POG has its perks. First, you get the same salary and benefits, except for some bonuses for half the risk. Second, you'll get a lot of training in transferable skills that you'll definitely need when you finish your service - for example, teaching and paperwork.

The living conditions are often better, and since you spend most of your time where your senior officers and commanders are, you get promoted faster. Your contribution is instantly recognized and you don't need to rely on a platoon sergeant to convince others of your performance.

Landline Military Slang

Third, you will have less pressure to excel in physical training and prove your competence on the battlefield. While this doesn't mean you sleep on the bench and watch others train, you just need to meet the basic qualification standards. Of course #notallPOGs, but you still can't ignore this difference in expectations.

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Your best bet is to take it as a joke. Your warrior friends are more likely to cheat. However, if they try to bully you, they will quickly let it go (like bullies at school) if you just shrug your shoulders and don't respond.

If you read this article before reading the registration form, you may want to consider signing up for POG. If you're worried about others calling your name, don't be. Also, don't feel pressured to sign up for a fight just because of this POG label.

The military is an organization that works as one big team - and a dream team has several players who support and compensate for each other. Just imagine a football team. Not all of your members can be strikers.

The military needs POGs as much as the infantry. So, don't let others fool you. Don't ever get the wrong idea that a POG is useless or that being a POG is not honorable.

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Now you know the importance of POG in military service. There's no need to laugh awkwardly when you hear the word POG in military conversation. We hope you learned a lot about POG from this article on what is a POG army.

Anything else you'd like to add to this thread? We want to hear it! Also, don't forget to share this article with others if you think it might be helpful to read it.

I'm Everett Bledsoe, managing content producer for The Soldiers Project. My goal in this project is to provide honest reviews of time-tested and used equipment. Of course, you can't go wrong with our bundle of information and guides, as they come from trusted sources and years of experience.

Landline Military Slang

For defense purposes, American soldiers are equipped with the most advanced and high-quality equipment. If you want to maintain your equipment to such high standards, this is where you should start. You can browse the list of carefully selected series of military equipment. And all necessary accessories are checked for long-term maintenance. Field phones are phones used for military communications. They can be powered by their own battery, a telephone exchange (via a central battery called a CB) or an external power source. Some don't need a battery, they're voice-activated phones.

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Field telephones replaced flag signals and the telegraph as an effective means of communication. The first field telephones had a battery that provided voice transmission, a hand crank generator that signaled another field telephone or a hand-operated telephone exchange, and an electromagnetic bell that sounded when a remote generator was energized. This technology was used between 1910 and 1980. Later, the ringing tone was controlled by a printer or automatically, as with home telephones. Manual systems are still widely used and are often compatible with older equipment.

Soon after the invention of the telephone, attempts were made to adapt the technology for military purposes. Telephones were used to support military campaigns in British India and the British colonies in Africa in the late 1870s and early 1880s. In the United States, telephone lines are connected to forts and army headquarters. They were also used for fire control on fixed Coast Guard installations. The first field telephone was developed in the United States in 1889, but it was too expensive to mass produce. Subsequent events in various countries make the field telephone practical. Wire material was changed from iron to copper, field wiring devices were developed, and systems with battery-operated sets and hand gerator sets were developed for command posts for use in the field. The first purpose-built field telephones were used by the British during the Second Boer War.

They were used more widely in the Russo-Japanese War, where all infantry and artillery divisions on both sides were equipped with telephone devices.

Field telephones operate over wire lines, sometimes operating on available civilian circuits, but often using wire in combat situations.

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At least during World War II, wire communication was the preferred method for the US military, with radio only used when necessary, e.g. to communicate with mobile units or until wires are pulled. Field telephones can be operated through a single point or a switch at a command post.

A variety of wire types are used, ranging from lightweight "attack wire" e.g. W-130 - 8.5 kilograms per kilometer (30 pounds per mile) - rated range of about 8.0 kilometers (5 mi), up to heavy cable with multiple pairs. Wire-laying equipment ranges from backpack rollers to trucks equipped with plows for burying lines.

In Vietnam, field phones were sometimes used to electrocute prisoners during interrogations, according to files from the Army's Vietnam War Crimes Task Force. His audience is supportive. If you purchase through our links, we may receive an affiliate commission. Learn more

Landline Military Slang

Have you heard of TDY in the military? This is one of the many abbreviations used by service members, but not as easily deciphered as others. So what does TDY mean in the military?

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If you don't know what TDY means in the military, you're in luck! Because today we're going to look at the meaning of TDY in a military context.

TDY is short for temporary duty assignment, which is a type of order. Learn more as you read. Continue!

As mentioned above, TDY stands for temporary assignment, which is one of three types of assignments service members receive during their active duty. Other orders include PCS and TAD. However, we can go into these concepts another day.

Temporary duty generally refers to duties performed outside of the personnel's permanent or assigned duty station. Usually TDY time is up to 179 days.

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TDY exists in all military branches. So, "What does TDY mean in the Air Force?" The answer is. Navy, Marines, Army, etc.

However, each branch has other subcategories of orders that are somewhat similar to TDY. For example, the Navy has TAD, which is temporary additional duty, and the Army has TCS, or temporary change of station. Marines have special long-term TDY for assignments that last more than 30 days.

However, in short, TDY means temporarily authorized duty at a location other than the personnel's duty station assignment. When

Landline Military Slang

Landline Meaning Military - Get support from your audience. When you buy through our links, we may receive an affiliate commission. Learn more

Landline is not a specific military term and is not included in the long list of military terms. However, it is sometimes mentioned in a military context.

Landline Meaning Military

Landline Meaning Military

But don't let the military terminology put you off. It refers to a phone that runs on metal or fiber optic cables, which is the same term used in civilian life.

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Aside from the military, another place you'll come across or hear the word landline is in police radio communications. There's still quite a bit to learn about this, so keep reading if you're interested. We will tell you the meaning of police station radio and interesting information and other related.

A landline is a name for any type of telephone. It basically refers to a phone that transmits over metal or fiber optic cables. Synonyms for "landline" include "landline," "main line," "landline," and "wired." It differs from today's conventional telephones, which use radio waves to transmit signals.

The telephone is plugged into a wall outlet to connect to a large system of wires and relays controlled by the telephone company. The cable is the medium through which the signal is sent to and from the phone. Few companies will have data towers.

Landline phones are considered more secure because signals and data are transmitted over cables. They can be more secure with encryption. Intelligence officers and high-ranking government officials generally use encrypted landlines.

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Landline phone signals are also considered simpler than cordless phone signals. That's why you'll sometimes hear people say "let's call again from the landline" when they're faced with complicated cell phone service.

Soldiers use field phones that look like landlines because they work with a landline. So somehow the word landline in military terms can refer to a field phone.

The field telephone was the preferred form of communication until the First World War. The second. Radios were rarely used and usually only for communications pending the establishment of field telephone lines.

Landline Meaning Military

The files of the Vietnam War Crimes Task Force document that the field phone was used in an interesting case Mitk. Vietnam interrogation to torture prisoners of war (POWs) with electric shocks. Therefore, sometimes the term "landline" refers to these torture sessions, with terrible consequences and therefore fear among the captives.

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In the Air Force, there is meaning behind the term "landline," and service members know not to hear it because of the meaning.

In this case, military slang for a landline means you should call on a phone or radio (instead of a desk) for a more private conversation. It usually means you're in serious trouble. So, as one Air Force guy says, "landline" is equivalent to "we need to talk" in terrible civilian life.

Like the military, one of the means of communication of the police is the radio. When they use the radio, it is necessary to keep everything short and concise. Therefore, there is a police radio code system that is used.

As the reporting police officer, when you hear this, you must go to a landline to make your report. There are many reasons why you may be asked to do this.

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For example, your report may contain confidential information that must be carefully protected and therefore must be transmitted over a landline; do you remember Landline phones are less likely to be tapped or hacked. Another reason is that your report may be too long for a radio broadcast. Or the radio sounds patchy.

Note: Despite the radio code, the term fixed telephone is not an official radio communication term.

By now you should be able to answer your question, "What does landline telephony mean in the military?" We hope you benefited from reading our article. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us in the comments below. Please help us share this article with other readers such as your family members and friends.

Landline Meaning Military

I'm Everett Bledsoe, Content Producer for The Soldiers Project. My goal in this project is to provide an honest review of tools that have been used and tested over time. Of course, you can't go wrong when you check out our data sets and tips, as they come from reliable sources and years of experience.

How To Dial An Extension On Landline [5 Steps To Follow]

For defense purposes, the US military is equipped with the most advanced and premium quality equipment. If you want to keep your device at the highest standards, this is the place to start. You can browse our list of carefully selected tool kits with military appeal. And all necessary accessories have been revised to support long-term maintenance. Check us out! A field telephone is a telephone used for military communications. They can be powered by their own battery, a telephone exchange (via a central battery called a CB) or an external power source. Some people don't need a battery-powered, voice-activated phone.

The field telephone replaced the flag and the telegraph as an effective means of communication. The first field telephone had a battery to power the transmission, an absorbed instrument to Other field telephones or self-operated telephone exchanges, and an electrical hum that could be heard from a distant generator. This technology was used from the 1910s to the 1980s. Later, the call signal was triggered by a button or automatically, like a domestic telephone. Manual systems are still widely used and are often compatible with older devices.

Immediately after the invitation by telephone, efforts were made to improve the technology for military use. The telephone was already in use in the late 1870s and early 1880s to support military operations in the British colonies in British India and Africa. In the US, telephone lines connect forts to each other and to army headquarters. They are also used to control fires at coastal defense facilities. The first mobile phone for field use was developed in the United States of America in 1889, but it was too much for production. Later developments made field telephones more practical in many countries. The cable material was changed from iron to copper, field wiring equipment was developed, and a system was developed with both a battery-operated device and a hand-held generator device for use in the field. The first designed field mobile was used by the British during the Boer War.

They were widely used in the Russo-Japanese War, where all infantry regiments and artillery divisions on both sides were equipped with telephone devices.

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Field phones operate over a landline, sometimes managing civilian circuits. Yes, but often use the attached line in a combat situation.

At least in World War II, the preferred method for the US military was wire communication, using radio only when necessary, e.g. to communicate with the mobile unit, or until the cable can be established. Field cell phones can be point-to-point or command-switched.

A variety of cables are used, from lightweight "attack cables" e.g. W-130 - 8.5 km per kilometer (30 pounds per mile) - has a range of about 8.0 km (5 miles), with heavier lines that have multiple pairs. Equipment for hanging from backpacks to plow trucks to buried lines.

Landline Meaning Military

According to documents from the Vietnam War Crimes Task Force, field phones were sometimes used in Vietnam to torture prisoners of war. During interrogation with electric shock. When you buy through our links, we may receive an affiliate commission. Learn more

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Have you ever heard of TDY in the military? It is among the many abbreviations used by servants, but is not as easily deciphered as others. So what does TDY mean in the military?

If you don't know what TDY means in the military, you're in luck. Because today we will be looking at the meaning of TDY in a military context.

TDY is short for temporary duty assignment, which is a type of order. Learn more as you continue reading. continue!

As previously mentioned, TDY refers to temporary duty, which is one of three types of orders that military personnel can receive while in the service. Other commands include PCS and TAD. However, we can visit these ideas another day.

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Basic temporary duty means duty performed away from a permanent or designated duty station. Normally, TDY time is a maximum of 179 days.

TDYs are available in all branches of the military. So the answer to the question "What does TDY mean in the Air Force?" Same with the Navy, Marines, Army, etc.

However, each branch has other sub-commands similar to TDY. For example, the Navy has

Landline Meaning Military

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