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Landline is not a specific military term and is not included in the long list of military terms. However, it is sometimes mentioned in a military context.

Landline Meaning Military

Landline Meaning Military

But don't let the military terminology put you off. It refers to a phone that runs on metal or fiber optic cables, which is the same term used in civilian life.

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Aside from the military, another place you'll come across or hear the word landline is in police radio communications. There's still quite a bit to learn about this, so keep reading if you're interested. We will tell you the meaning of police station radio and interesting information and other related.

A landline is a name for any type of telephone. It basically refers to a phone that transmits over metal or fiber optic cables. Synonyms for "landline" include "landline," "main line," "landline," and "wired." It differs from today's conventional telephones, which use radio waves to transmit signals.

The telephone is plugged into a wall outlet to connect to a large system of wires and relays controlled by the telephone company. The cable is the medium through which the signal is sent to and from the phone. Few companies will have data towers.

Landline phones are considered more secure because signals and data are transmitted over cables. They can be more secure with encryption. Intelligence officers and high-ranking government officials generally use encrypted landlines.

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Landline phone signals are also considered simpler than cordless phone signals. That's why you'll sometimes hear people say "let's call again from the landline" when they're faced with complicated cell phone service.

Soldiers use field phones that look like landlines because they work with a landline. So somehow the word landline in military terms can refer to a field phone.

The field telephone was the preferred form of communication until the First World War. The second. Radios were rarely used and usually only for communications pending the establishment of field telephone lines.

Landline Meaning Military

The files of the Vietnam War Crimes Task Force document that the field phone was used in an interesting case Mitk. Vietnam interrogation to torture prisoners of war (POWs) with electric shocks. Therefore, sometimes the term "landline" refers to these torture sessions, with terrible consequences and therefore fear among the captives.

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In the Air Force, there is meaning behind the term "landline," and service members know not to hear it because of the meaning.

In this case, military slang for a landline means you should call on a phone or radio (instead of a desk) for a more private conversation. It usually means you're in serious trouble. So, as one Air Force guy says, "landline" is equivalent to "we need to talk" in terrible civilian life.

Like the military, one of the means of communication of the police is the radio. When they use the radio, it is necessary to keep everything short and concise. Therefore, there is a police radio code system that is used.

As the reporting police officer, when you hear this, you must go to a landline to make your report. There are many reasons why you may be asked to do this.

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For example, your report may contain confidential information that must be carefully protected and therefore must be transmitted over a landline; do you remember Landline phones are less likely to be tapped or hacked. Another reason is that your report may be too long for a radio broadcast. Or the radio sounds patchy.

Note: Despite the radio code, the term fixed telephone is not an official radio communication term.

By now you should be able to answer your question, "What does landline telephony mean in the military?" We hope you benefited from reading our article. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us in the comments below. Please help us share this article with other readers such as your family members and friends.

Landline Meaning Military

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For defense purposes, the US military is equipped with the most advanced and premium quality equipment. If you want to keep your device at the highest standards, this is the place to start. You can browse our list of carefully selected tool kits with military appeal. And all necessary accessories have been revised to support long-term maintenance. Check us out! A field telephone is a telephone used for military communications. They can be powered by their own battery, a telephone exchange (via a central battery called a CB) or an external power source. Some people don't need a battery-powered, voice-activated phone.

The field telephone replaced the flag and the telegraph as an effective means of communication. The first field telephone had a battery to power the transmission, an absorbed instrument to Other field telephones or self-operated telephone exchanges, and an electrical hum that could be heard from a distant generator. This technology was used from the 1910s to the 1980s. Later, the call signal was triggered by a button or automatically, like a domestic telephone. Manual systems are still widely used and are often compatible with older devices.

Immediately after the invitation by telephone, efforts were made to improve the technology for military use. The telephone was already in use in the late 1870s and early 1880s to support military operations in the British colonies in British India and Africa. In the US, telephone lines connect forts to each other and to army headquarters. They are also used to control fires at coastal defense facilities. The first mobile phone for field use was developed in the United States of America in 1889, but it was too much for production. Later developments made field telephones more practical in many countries. The cable material was changed from iron to copper, field wiring equipment was developed, and a system was developed with both a battery-operated device and a hand-held generator device for use in the field. The first designed field mobile was used by the British during the Boer War.

They were widely used in the Russo-Japanese War, where all infantry regiments and artillery divisions on both sides were equipped with telephone devices.

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Field phones operate over a landline, sometimes managing civilian circuits. Yes, but often use the attached line in a combat situation.

At least in World War II, the preferred method for the US military was wire communication, using radio only when necessary, e.g. to communicate with the mobile unit, or until the cable can be established. Field cell phones can be point-to-point or command-switched.

A variety of cables are used, from lightweight "attack cables" e.g. W-130 - 8.5 km per kilometer (30 pounds per mile) - has a range of about 8.0 km (5 miles), with heavier lines that have multiple pairs. Equipment for hanging from backpacks to plow trucks to buried lines.

Landline Meaning Military

According to documents from the Vietnam War Crimes Task Force, field phones were sometimes used in Vietnam to torture prisoners of war. During interrogation with electric shock. When you buy through our links, we may receive an affiliate commission. Learn more

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Have you ever heard of TDY in the military? It is among the many abbreviations used by servants, but is not as easily deciphered as others. So what does TDY mean in the military?

If you don't know what TDY means in the military, you're in luck. Because today we will be looking at the meaning of TDY in a military context.

TDY is short for temporary duty assignment, which is a type of order. Learn more as you continue reading. continue!

As previously mentioned, TDY refers to temporary duty, which is one of three types of orders that military personnel can receive while in the service. Other commands include PCS and TAD. However, we can visit these ideas another day.

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Basic temporary duty means duty performed away from a permanent or designated duty station. Normally, TDY time is a maximum of 179 days.

TDYs are available in all branches of the military. So the answer to the question "What does TDY mean in the Air Force?" Same with the Navy, Marines, Army, etc.

However, each branch has other sub-commands similar to TDY. For example, the Navy has

Landline Meaning Military

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